Professional Photo Packages

Gorgeous Photos Make the Difference!

Our photos make YOU the star! The most successful Realtors use ‘eye-candy’ photos. Buyers spend their time online scouring websites in search of a “wow” property they can afford. They’re looking at pictures, and your home has less than 5 seconds to stop them from clicking.

We know what it takes to make a great first impression, and we’ve been working with Orange County Realtors for 11 years. We work hard to get your property noticed and remembered. We use high-tech equipment and professional photographers. Then, each image is fine-tuned with Photoshop® and made to look its best. In many cases, the photos look better than the actual home!

The photos you see in this website are all original photos taken and produced by our company. None were scanned from new home brochures or copied from other websites.

Making new, high-end homes look great is easy. We also specialize in making average, and even ugly homes (the majority of agent listings) look their absolute best.

Your photos will be supplied to you both in high (print-sized) resolution, and in clear, fast-loading, web-optimized, MLS resolution. They are typically available for you to download the day following the shoot.

You’ve got the listing, now let’s get it sold fast, and for top dollar!

Starting at only $159 our packages include a professional Photo-Shoot producing quality Images for the MLS and for printing.

Professional Photography Pricing

All packages include:

  • Professional Photo-Shoot;
  • Photography of outdoor views and association amenities (if given access at time of shoot);
  • Level photos that look straight;
  • ALL photos taken with Ultra High Dynamic Range (UHDR™) technology and processing to avoid whited out windows, overly dark shadows, and to add just a touch of magic;
  • Post Processing includes Photoshop® touch-up and color correction (agent signs blurred);
  • Fast service;
  • 2-Sets of images: MLS-Sized images & Full Camera-Resolution Images for printing;
  • Prices apply inside Orange County, CA only. CALL for appointments outside Orange County.
  • ROTATING PANORAMAS AVAILABLE. Add panoramas to your Virtual Tours for only $20 per panorama. Recommended for the most dramatic areas of your property, such as the neighborhood, backyard, large kitchens combination family room, dining room and kitchen, etc.


Virtual Tour features include:

  • Virtual Tour-unbranded for MLS insertion;
  • Virtual Tour-with agent and broker branding;
  • QR Code that links to the branded Virtual Tour;
  • Weekly Virtual Tour Traffic Reports;
  • Hosting until your listing is off the market.
  • Music Enabled on request;
  • Co-Agent branding (upon request);

Panorama Features include:

  • Full and partial panoramas as appropriate for scenes;
  • HDR photography and processing;
  • Photoshop® touch-up and color correction;
  • Non-parallax results (no ghosting of nearby objects).

Book an appointment now!

b-pagenext-anim_96x32 Getting Started
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Getting Started

Getting Started is Easy!

Schedule Your Appointment on the Home page of this website and let us know the level of service you desire. Make sure to give yourself and the owner time for any preparations. You won’t pay until you receive a call from us and your appointment date and time is reserved. Appointments are confirmed with a paid PayPal invoice (a PayPal account is NOT necessary).

Prepare. Making sure the place is clean and free of clutter is important. Please see the article on the Preparations Page.

On the day of the shoot, make sure the photographer can enter the property, and be there to move any items, if necessary. The Photo-Shoot will normally take 1 to 3 hours, and it is normal for the photographer to take more pictures than are selected to process.

Receive your photos online. A link to download your photos will be sent to the email address you provided when you ordered. If you change your email address, please let us know.

 b-pagenext-anim_96x32 How to Prepare
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Preparation Makes a Big Difference!

Our on-site photo appointments allow for about one hour. The photographer will shoot the home in its present condition, perhaps straightening a few chairs and pillows, moving a trash basket, etc. So it’s important that the house be “photo-ready” at the scheduled time.



If the house is still occupied, then clutter can cause undesirable results in some of the shots. If clutter needs to be moved from one room into another, and back again, then the agent and a helper or two may be required to do the job quickly. In the before-after photo above, the agent and the owner moved all the tenant’s items on the counters into the dining room so the kitchen could be shot. Then, it all had to come back before shooting the dining room. If clutter is an issue, the best solution is to move it all into garage before the appointment.

The home will have much nicer curb appeal if there are no vehicles parked in the driveway or in front of the house (which is not always possible on public streets). Also, removing garden hoses, toys, debris, and making sure the grass is cut, will help the home to look its best.

And now some important words about lighting. Everyone wants to live in a home with a bright interior, or so it would seem. Sometimes window coverings block out much of the natural lighting. Low-wattage light bulbs save money, but when it comes time to sell the home, they only help the buyers to save money. Although camera settings, lighting equipment, and Photoshop tricks can brighten things up, photo quality will always be better if we’re not shooting in the dark. Prior to the photo shoot appointment, make sure that blinds and other window coverings can be opened; move any tall furniture that blocks windows or sliding doors; and tell the owner to put in the brightest light bulbs possible.

b-pagenext-anim_96x32 About the Importance of Virtual Tours
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Virtual Tour

Of Course You Want a Virtual Tour!

You’ve seen other listings with Virtual Tours. Perhaps you’ve ordered them before on some of your better listings. ALL photo-shoots from PhotosByAppointment can be produced into a virtual tour with optional panoramas!

Competitive agents offer this powerful marketing feature in their presentations. When you insert Virtual Tour links into your MLS, you get greater exposure in syndicated websites including, Zillow, Trulia, etc. Including a Virtual Tour can impress your sellers and make a real difference in your success. Quality Virtual Tours that display eye-candy photos and rotating panoramas, excite buyers, sellers, and prospective sellers.

Stop being upstaged by the competition. Order your photo-shoots from PhotosByAppointment and opt for Virtual Tour links for your listings!

Virtual Tour features include:

  • Virtual Tour-unbranded for MLS insertion;
  • Virtual Tour-with agent and broker branding (separate link);
  • QR Code that links to the branded Virtual Tour;
  • Weekly Virtual Tour Traffic Reports;
  • Hosting until your listing is off the market.
  • Music Enabled on request;
  • Co-Agent branding (upon request)
  • Only $50 extra!

For an even greater impact, order rotating panoramas.

Panorama Features include:

  • Full and partial panoramas as appropriate for scenes;
  • HDR photography and processing;
  • Photoshop® touch-up and color correction;
  • Order any number of panoramas ($20/each) with any photo package.


b-pagenext-anim_96x32 Photo-Fixing & DIY
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